Stage Craft For A Cause
The mission of Stage Craft for a Cause is to connect theatre fans to theatre actors they know and love through forms of art other than performance for the purpose of donating money to a variety of charities and support artists.
How it works
We theatre actors often have crafty hobbies outside of performing. They can help us calm nerves, relieve stress, promote mindfulness, pass the time, and provide us with another creative outlet. Two of mine specifically are cross-stitching and painting.
But why can't my hobbies be something that can also help others? So I came up with this idea. Theatre fans can bid on items from actors and a portion of the proceeds with be donated to a charity/organization of the actor's choosing; not only helping the charity but also supporting the artist. My hope is to continue to expand this, reaching many actors and fans across the theatre community.
Below are the items currently available with a brief description of the item and the charity it is supporting. Each will have a link to more information about the charity and also a link to eBay, where you can place a bid and see additional details about the item(s) as well as more photos.
Charities donated to:
Total donated to date:
Adrienne Shelly Foundation
LA Regional Food Bank
Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts
Feeding America
No Items Currently Available
Original Cross Stitch
handmade by Jisel Soleil Ayon
"Thanks for taking me to the moon Moon Pie."
Would support:
"Every dollar you give can provide at least 10 meals to families in need through the Feeding America network of food banks.
Feeding America helps provide meals to people in need through a network of food banks and helps address root causes of hunger.
Feeding America is leading the fight to end hunger in our nation. Not only do we feed people facing hunger, but we also raise awareness about the issue, advocate on behalf of our neighbors experiencing hunger, and conduct in-depth research to better understand the problem. Together we are working to break the cycle of poverty and hunger."
handmade by Jisel Soleil Ayon
"Down with the recipe and bake from the heart."
Waitress Notebook
Signed by Jisel Soleil Ayon and the whole touring cast of Waitress
Would support:
Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts
"CAAPA's Mission is to help "Bring Color to the Classics!
CAAPA's vision is to help promote opportunities for Black classical musicians and others in the performing arts through arts performances, education, and outreach.
C ommunity Outreach
A rts Education
A udience Development
P erformance Opportunities
A rts Partnerships
Special thanks:
My mother, Angela, for always helping me with designs and ideas.
Kelly P. for helping inspire this whole concept.
Zerelda for teaching me how to cross-stitch.
The cast of Waitress Nat. Tour for all the love and support through launching this.